Community Development

A property maintenance inspector cited me for my garage. Am I able to get a loan to replace and/or fix it up?
Are dogs allowed in outdoor dining patios?
Are emergency repairs allowed on a historic or landmark home?
As a homeowner what are my responsibilities for clearing sidewalks or parking lot that belong to me?
Can I begin operating my business before a license is issued?
Can you check the status of a building permit application?
Divvy Bike contact information
Divvy Bike was left abandoned
Divvy Bikes
Do I need a permit for a fence?
Do I need a permit from the City to hold a garage or yard sale?
Do I need a permit to remove and replace cracked concrete on the driveway?
Do I need a permit to remove and replace cracked concrete on the driveway?
Does Evanston offer Homebuyer Programs or Down Payment Assistance?
Does Evanston require vacant buildings to be registered?
Does late-night snow blowing violate the noise ordinance?
Does the Building Department provide Plat of Survey's?
Does the City offer any Housing Rehabilitation assistance?
Does the city perform or schedule spot surveys?
Does the city provide rental inspections?
Does the City require point of sale inspections for property transfers?
Garage/Yard Sale
How can a resident obtain copies of blueprints?
How can my organization apply for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding?
How do I acquire a Fire/Burglar Alarm Permit?
How do I apply for a Community Development Block Grant?
How do I cancel a building inspection?
How do I contact a building inspector?
How do I contact a property inspector?
How do I contact the permit desk or Building Department? What are their hours?
How do I contact the permit desk or Building Department? What are their hours?
How do I get help with Citizen Portal?
How do I get information about City construction projects?
How do I get my elevator inspected?
How do I obtain a Certificate of Occupancy? How long does it take and what is the cost?
How do I register as a contractor?
How do I report an elevator concern?
How do I request a sign inspection?
How do I schedule a HUD inspection?
How do I submit a building permit application?
How do I submit a sign application?
How long is a permit valid for?
How many buildings are designated Evanston landmarks?
How many business districts are located in Evanston?
How to get a sidewalk Cafe Permit?
How to report incorrectly placed signs on private property walls or windows, closed businesses and flashing or blinking signs?
I am going to perform maintenance on my fire protection system. Do I need a permit?
I am interested in rehabbing my own residential property. Does Evanston have any financial assistance programs to help pay the rehab costs?
I am interested in rehabbing my own residential property. Does Evanston have any financial assistance programs to help pay the rehab costs?
I live on a corner. Can I erect a fence in the front yard?
I live on a corner. Can I erect a fence in the front yard?
I saw some work being done and I think the location contains asbestos. Can someone come out and inspect the area/situation?
I saw some work being done and I think the location contains asbestos. Can someone come out and inspect the area/situation?
Illinois Housing Development Agency (IHDA)
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Information.
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Information.
Is a City of Evanston contractor's registration required for permitted work?
Is an inspection required for masonary work?
Is my building a designated historic landmark?
Is my building a designated historic landmark?
Mortgage Assistance and First Time Homebuyer Assistance
Mortgage Assistance and First Time Homebuyer Assistance
Property Maintenance Code- Occupancy limitations, property maintenance, overcrowding
Property Maintenance Code- Occupancy limitations, property maintenance, overcrowding
Public Transit Agency Issues
Rental Current Security Deposit Interest Rate
Rental Registration
Swimming Pool
Tent Permits
Tree Preservation and Payment Process
Vacation Rentals/Airbnb
What are fence requirements and restrictions?
What are permissable construction hours?
What color are the Property Standards notice?
What does zoning do?
What is a spot survey?
Where am I allowed to post yard signs?
Who are the building plan reviewers?
Who is the Commercial Plan Reviewer/Examiner?
Who is the Residential Plan Reviewer/Examiner?
Workforce Development Program

Building Permit Inspection Request for Contractors

Is a City of Evanston contractor's registration required for permitted work?
What types of building inspections are required for work done under a permit?

Elevator Concern

How do I report an elevator concern?

Housing Rehab

I am interested in rehabbing my own residential property. Does Evanston have any financial assistance programs to help pay the rehab costs?

Illegally Posted Signs on Public or Private Property

How to report incorrectly placed signs on private property walls or windows, closed businesses and flashing or blinking signs?

Landlord/Tenant Issues or Concerns

My landlord refuses to install a smoke alarm in my apartment. Who is responsible?

Permit Desk- Messages (Internal)

Is a City of Evanston contractor's registration required for permitted work?

Rental Dwelling Inspection or Overcrowding

My landlord refuses to install a smoke alarm in my apartment. Who is responsible?
Property Maintenance Code- Occupancy limitations, property maintenance, overcrowding
Rental Registration

Sign Inspection (Internal)

How do I request a sign inspection?

Sign Regulations/Questions

How do I request a sign inspection?
How do I submit a sign application?

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