Police Department

Are crime statistics, crime maps, neighborhood crime information, etc. available on the City's website?
Are fireworks allowed in the City of Evanston?
Bike Registration
Can I drive in Evanston and use my cell phone at the same time?
Can I email the Evanston Police Department Property Bureau?
Can I pick up someone else's property from the Police Station?
Community Policing Unit
Does Evanston have a curfew? What is it and to whom does it apply? Where can I see the ordinance?
Does the City do child seat installations and/or inspections?
Does the City of Evanston have a firearm/handgun ordinance?
Does the police department offer police station tours?
Does the Police Department provide fingerprinting?
Homicide Hotline
How can I volunteer at the Evanston Police Department?
How do I determine if my stolen bike has been recovered?
How do I file a complaint against a police officer? Do I need to come into the police station to file a formal complaint against a police officer?
How do I get a background check?
How do I obtain a copy of a police report?
How do I register positive feedback on an officer's performance of duties?
How do I start the process to expunge my record?
How does one obtain/purchase property recovered by the City of Evanston?
How to report identity theft and get a recovery plan
I have not received my driver's license back after paying my moving violation. Who do I contact?
I live behind a business where trucks unload early in the morning and the noise is horrible. What can I do?
I lost my personal property and want to know if the Police Department's Property Bureau has recovered it.
I would like to get a security survey or safety audit for my business or home by the police deparment.
Medication Drop Off
My car was towed; what should I do?
Northshore Towing Contact Information
Northwestern Police Contact Information
Police Station Tours
Text A Tip
The car is running and has been locked out.
There is a bat in my home. What should I do?
What are the hours that a leaf blower can be used?
What do I do if I receive a scam call?

Abandoned Vehicle

How long does a vehicle need to be abandoned before it can be towed?

Animal Issue/Concern

How do I report Graffiti?
I have a wild animal in my house, will the City assist?
I was bitten by an animal. What should I do?


There is a bat in my home. What should I do?

Bicycle Registration

Bike Registration

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